That's awesome. I'm totally gonna do that now. Also... **** you! You posted a PICTURE of yourself?! WHY?! You ruined my image. You were...
Holy ****! That is literally the coolest story I have ever heard.
That is ****ing epic.
By the way, WTF is "the game"?
Alright, great. I'll work on both of those (waiting on LG until they're situated back at LoF), and try to find some other communities too.
Well, LG was technically already recruited, but they're (we're) actually setting up to move back to LoF pretty soon. So that's one. Another is the...
Hey. I'll be recruiting a few more allies to do stories for us, seeing as you're busy. I have two in mind, but do you have any you were working...
Sounds like an impossibility. Sorry.
Tagged all so far. Dawn Gloom Construction Hallway Lights Authorized Duck Electricity Lit Slayer 002 Shenanigans
Tagged both, here are mine: Dawn Gloom Construction Hallway Lights Authorized Duck Electricity Lit Slayer 002 Shenanigans
Reinforced the tag on all of yours. They're pretty good, good luck. Mine: Dawn Gloom Construction Hallway Lights Authorized Duck Electricity Lit...
How long will you be online?
Alright, thanks, will do!
Holyshit, nice! So... Please advice about the Fritzster situation?
Hey... Uh, got a minute?
Hello... How much longer will you be online?
That wasn't very legible.
God damn you... Just you wait... My counter-argument will be a while in production, but it will come.
I think it is apparent that I didn't DL it, but I planned to. I only have access to my Xbox on weekends. Regardless of what it seems like in...
Read and weep.