See this is why forgehub needs a way to let people sift through community and featured maps. IF some one lets say wants all avalanche maps he...
best map post ever...
i think an important part of that would be to ahve like no grenade or real powerful weapons bc then people would jsut drop dead before they can...
the most important factor in playability and true competitiveness is play testing. You can make a map but the only true way to make it competitive...
its possible. I have a crappy looking one but has good features. its on lots of barrels which represent tracks. The main body is a double wall as...
-I think a bit back some body made a tutorial on how to time spawns basically by putting fusion cores on top of spawn points...after a set period...
considering how boring usually remakes are adn no t done well i think this is pretty good. I like how you incorperated the cool halo 2 jumps in...
obviously every one agrees with you theres no negative to it. Its just that its not happening so why post about it.
i remember some one even posted a website in which you had a virtual 3d foundry with 3d blocks and stuff and you could build of that(...the site...
I while back i heard a few people talk about and previewed their new ways to use a virtual foundry to make a map. those things looked awesome but...
you should change "how to make new maps darker over time" to "how to make legendary maps darker over time"...wishfull thinking for more new maps
im so happy there is finally an original map out.
this map is utterly increadible in terms of its percision guided forge hand
how to mount weapons on a wall
this map was posted in like 2007...
its not like he posted the ad on the communtiy maps left...the title of this thread explains what this is so if your not interested in ads then...
out side of the map rocks but inside kind of jsut seems like just an open area...all in all i think hte map is underated. Try dividng the inside...
looks kool but i think the humans might jsut be a bit over bering with two socrpians and a sandtrap style hornet.
mabey if you post it a few more times il like it more
you can try that out but im still not sure the weapon will not jsut delete its elf from the dead guy.