good idea thanks
this is a crazy awsome map they should add this to the map gallery.
infection race Created by Goldman 010 [br] Supported Gametypes: infection race (at bottom) [br] Map Description OK so this is my new minigame...
looks fun.
Re: New "Grif-ball" courts i would have never thought of griball on these maps. nice
what a funny game
i think this should be in aesthetics. you should check into this.
Re: !BLAM! - Halo Bowling! very cool and unique
looks fun
this is just like stickball but it has a better stadium.
bersion 2 is better than version 1. woot
Re: Tower Of Terror! Working Elevator!!!!! my god i hate the people who think they are officials and post links to the help section. everyone is...
looks like a battle ring. awsome!!!!
this map is really easy to remember were things are. i like that
looks good ill try
nice castle
Re: JURassIC PaRK (pics) just like the movie