The thing that I see wrong with the game itself is the fact that the VIP is left out for half the match, being the princess in the tower, he will...
I've made the tunnel if you'd like to check it out, but just wondering peoples ideas for the flythrough
Sorry for the lack of pictures, it will shoot you from the crypt via mancannons inside the tunnel to the top of the map, then through a set of...
You coul make the juggernaut die then spawn back, so he respawns with full active camO, but then looses it after 3 minutes
I do close up quick-scoping, me and my friends will play private games alot with quick-scoping only/no scoping fights. My class is Sleight of...
Looks great, it reminds me of a counterstrike map i played a long time ago
You dont need those headsets to be mlg pro, my tv volume up a little higher than normal can detect non-ninja footsteps. Also my class is:...
Sonic the hedge hog, i would collect rings all day
This sounds pretty cool, i never got into hlg in halo though, but i would do it
No, i dont mind you using it, thats the exact reason i posted this, so people could use it as an option in their maps, so feel free to use it.
nice glitch i knew the arm part, but i didnt know about the bubble shield
Are you talking about concrete jungle? Anyways back on topic, i like predator
That's strange, oh well, I'm not complaning
Wait, why'd my map get moved, am i missing something?
Wait, why'd my map get moved, am i missing something ? Edit: oops lag,...
Thanks man, my comment didnt mean to offend, however i can see how it can be taken that way. Also i thought insane denied the request, yet he...
Thanks insane, but you said request denied yet its in forge discussion? :O
Ok, first i know your new here, so ill give you some slack, but this is obviously not a "map", this is map idea, that someone might use. And if...
Welcome back, sorry about the job man, hope you find a new one