I Really, really like the stairs (and walls) to provide a roof, looks very much like a hanger, and gives a nice enclosed feel to the map, taking...
Thanks. In response to the cover, is it a good balance, because as I said I put a lot of changes into it, as I found that sometimes it could be...
Thankyou, I'll be sure to use it on future maps. I'll stop posting till later so it doesn't keep bringing my map up.
I attempted to interlock the bridges but I couldnt get it to work, any pointers on how to get them smooth would be much appreciated. =]
Thank you very much, I wasn't expecting that. =] It was originally more cluttered, but I re-designed some areas as it was quite hard to kill each...
Fortio x Dropkicked x Supported Gametypes: 2 team Slayer Red vs Blue 2 team flag Oddball KOTH 2 team Bomb (All of the above should work, but I...
Invis, with EOD helm =P
My bad then. Still nifty, and a change from the norm =]
I really like the fact you used the trucks for flag caps, makes capture the flag just that little bit more interesting and fun =]
In all honesty, he's not so much bumping it as replying to others comments. And its far from a stupid map.