* HALO CE/HALO 2 REMAKES FOR HALO 3 LIST * http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-maps/465-halo-ce-halo-2-remake-database.html
* halo camp. map sandbox sym. map good 3v3* http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/80995-shuttle-bay-v4.html 4/5
yeah my message thing is all wakk too. :/ FH needs to do some more touch ups on somethings.. H3:ODSt looks sick hu? n im planing a halo night @ my...
yeah.. whats VM or w/e? I got Gold memb. back.. ill have it only for a month though :/
YO.. whats up man..
* FOUNDRY NEELER MAP W/ LIGHT BALL IN MID. * Sapphire - Forge Hub Map Database 2/5
* FOUNDRU MAP CIRCLE/SWORDS 3/5* Duel of the Fates - Forge Hub Map Database
* FOUNDRY MAP + * Radius - Forge Hub Map Database 3/5
* 3/5 * http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/80970-sci-fi.html * SCI FI 3/5 *
*PLANT IN THE ROOM MAP 4/5* http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/80963-aggression.html
*SPECTRE SANDBOX MAP 4/5* http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/80861-spectre.html
foundry Vertebraille - Forge Hub Map Database 3/5
*M wall floor/ramp/satirs/big walls* AstroTurf - Forge Hub Map Database *M* 4/5
EXTRA GOOD** HALO 2 CAMPAIN SHIP WHERE YOU FIGHT THE BIG GUYS..*** Telekinesis - Forge Hub Map Database 4/5
* SYMY MAP 0 SandBox/ good 3v3* Walled in - Forge Hub Map Database 2/5
*cooky cuter O +... Endocrine - Forge Hub Map Database O+ O+ O+ 4/5
* HALO 1 MAP REMAKE* Longevity - Forge Hub Map Database *HALO 1 MAP REMAKE* 4/5
Orbital Small - Forge Hub Map Database small orbital!! 2/5 not worth it (maybe) good all snipers..
curved foundry* Arcadia - Forge Hub Map Database FOUNDRY MAP** 3(or 4)/5
*small* Front Lines - Forge Hub Map Database *small* 1v1-1v everyone 2/5 not worth it(n.w.i.)