The only thing I'll say is that your attempt to take away votes failed.
Lol? I really don't even know what to say after that.
Page 6 of the voting thread, first post. Your logic is flawed.
The "someone" you were accusing of doing it was the maker of Synopsis, which would be me.
Because you did say that I made them.
Stop accusing people of making "fake" accounts in the template contest thread. They aren't fake, and they wouldn't be your problem if they were.
Ok, will you be on tonight?
Wow, excellent find.
That's not proof that I made that account. As a matter of fact, I know who made that map. He tested the map, liked it, and I explained that it was...
It's actually not, you shouldn't make unfounded accusations.
Synopsis by TheEpicCiabatta and xZonKeD My partner and I took the rather tricky template and created a 6-base full foundry behemoth of a map,...
A Walshy wannabe selling lessons? I think I'll pass.
Gameplay Feedback: Good. I enjoyed testing yesterday, keep up the good work Baron. Also, I like the trippy pictures.
You guys should have told me this was up! This is, without a doubt, one of the 3 best competitive 1v1 maps to date. Keep up the awesome forging...
Thanks for the feedback guys. v1.3 is up, with improved spawns.
@Tak: That's the reason, because you guys were being gay in the corner. Also, yes, I moved all spawns off of the power weapons. @Opkluu: It's...
Thanks for the support. Keep an eye out for a new version with most (if not all) bumps and graphical problems fixed.
@ Novak: I was in that game, and that particular spawn happened because the negative influences on the other spawn areas was higher than the area...