I'm willing to put our differences behind me, and thanks for the feedback. The rockets are set to have only 2 shots per spawn, forcing players to...
Synopsis by TheEpicCiabatta and xZonKeD Originally designed and built for the Template Contest, this map went through several design changes...
Not much. Are you still testing Amp or Regi for atlas? I can help if you are.
True dat.
Ok. Also, thanks for seeing sense on the "fake account" situation.
When are the results for the template contest going to be posted?
Yeah, I had a good run.
This just shows how uninformed you are. I made Synopsis, as I have previously stated. Since you obviously have trouble absorbing information, I...
Yeah, my map might've stood a better chance if I had attempted to spread it around a little more. All in all, good contest.
Oh no, I've pissed off the mighty myshotsakill. I can't use the quoote function here, but these are your own words: "thats a new acc. created and...
Wassup my homie G dog home skillet biscuit?
If you really don't care, then stop. I already said what I wanted to, and you were already proved wrong, so just drop it.
Did I send you my Spectrum sketchup yet? I can't remember.
The thing was, there weren't false accounts. Yes, you did blame me, as I previously mentioned, and who's bothering who?
Yeah, I'll get around to it. I'll probably make a better writeup though.
Which is why you keep trying to convince Blood Fire that I cheated? Ok, I admit it, I created the Zanno account in July of 2008 for the sole...
It's ok. It's great fun, especially the epic territories games, lol. I'm probably going to edit a few things and post it as a regular map soon.
Lol. I know that the contest is over and I lost, but we should still run some games for the hell of it. I might be able to get on in a bit,...
You really need to learn when to stop.
You've been trolled. Have a nice day.