[IMG] "Fundamentally designed from highly classified Halcyon blueprints, this vessel has yet to enact its sinister agenda." Weapons: Energy...
Glad the special effects worked out. Since this one was such short notice, and it was kind of a random idea from the start, it was a little...
Instant Karma‏ - YouTube Just a short little video we decided to make in a whole 10 minutes. Sure the special effects aren't perfect, but...
Wow this is amazing. Your attention to detail is ridiculous. Every piece of furniture looks like it's one object instead of a compilation of Forge...
Just ran through the map a bit. You guys definitely made quite a piece of work. Not everyone puts so much care into refining a map as you guys...
This looks like an excellent infection map! Everything you did with it really does make it feel like an undersea mine, from the incorporation of...
I have to say, I think this is your greatest work yet. It's as if the very qualities that make up the personality of the Arbiter are exemplified...
I'd say it's supposed to be more of a luxury ship than a military one, though of course it has a few lines of defense. It's good to hear some good...
Well, guess you can't beat the classics :) I totally get what you mean though. I realized pretty far into building this that there wasn't going to...
Actually, good sir, the symbol is based on the Sierpinski Gasket, a fractal first described by Polish mathematician Waclaw Sierpinski in 1915,...
Thanks for the feedback guys! Though I do agree that the lobby could use a bit of improving. If i do a V2 that'll be the first thing I give my...
ARTIFEX INDUSTRIES (REVAMPED) "This towering edifice is nearly as dominating as the individuals that reside within its walls." [IMG]...
Wow, this is one sick looking city map! Y'know it's always difficult to make an urban map that really has that city feel to it, but you...
Very glad you like the map! In regards to your comment about it's resemblance to a 3D model, I was definitely aiming for smoothness with this map....
sweet! I've been looking very forward to your next creation, and it most certainly did exceed expectations :) I especially like the robot arm and...
This is definitely one of the best dwellings i've ever seen :) the attention to detail and inclusion of furniture and sculptures blows my mind....
Thanks. The use of the coliseum walls in the front of the ship was partially inspired by the way you used them in your Pillar of Autumn. :)
Yeah, go for it. Feel free to make any changes to it too.
Well i was already pretty set on using drop pods, but the Daedalus did influence the use of the small antennas in the front and the general shape...
I definitely understand your dismay with the "openness." Unfortunately for me, there were definitely some budget limitations after a while, and...