I think I was running around on this map with you last night and I have to say it is really awesome for warm ups and ffa's. The merging is very...
I really like the looks of this map theres just something about it that
Dude you guys are stupid, if you ever played a race track by bam you would know that he is king at making the best race tracks and that it looks...
I've played lot's of customs on this map and it plays like the pit but has a different feel to it. Every game I played on here I had a blast....
I played on this last night with you, and before along time ago when it was just started. Nice map, but go to MLG forums and check out a pic of...
LIGHTS stole my shoes
I played King of the hill on this before the final version was posted and I gotta say it was alot of fun. I'm gonna download this one when i get...
The Bases look very neat. The middle is different, the only thing I don't like that much are the signs in the air. Also you should move the red...
This is my first map but it is still good, I am working on a new map it's a remake of prisoner a map from halo. It's gonna be so much better than...
sorry someone told me that this was to be posted in the mini-game forum section so that's what i did sorry for any confusion
::BR Tourny::by: o FatalAce x [IMG] If you just got on xbox live and need to warm up your BR this is the map. Its Recommended to have 8...
I did not make the original no, but trust me this remake is alot better compared to the old one. There are no bumps its more fair and everything...
yeah i doubt this will get featured just cause its on avalanche and yeah the weapon layout could of been a bit better but you can edit it if you...
i did a whole new weapon layout for slayer i think it works out better give it a download thanks. Link to Download New Slayer verison of ::Cold...
there is a tactical jump from up top frags to inside window its tricky but if you pull it off you can confuse alot of players and they wont know...
i think that today i am going test this map with a different weapon layout and a couple different spawns cause it seems some people have taking...
map has a d/l link go test it out
::COLD BLOOD:: Created by: o FatalAce x Looking down at huge ice glaciers and melting ice caps you stand thousands of feet up on an ancient...
::MLG COLD BLOOD:: Created by: o FatalAce x Looking down at huge ice glaciers and melting ice caps you stand thousands of feet up on an ancient...