ya prbly a good idea i will
hey thanks man, appreciate it
any suggestons on making my next set of wings even better
ya thnx i already got it though lol edit: whoops i posted too late to
thanks dude
k here it is [IMG] also, if you want you can comment rate or download at bungie.net here
thnx man ya i got my idea from the gargoyle pic that was awesome and ya your right ill embed it now
this was the first set of wings iv ever made and i know they arent the best but i am going to try to make a new pair some time soon, this was...
wow im not going to interlock the whole ground dude and besides you dont "bounce" and even if u did it wouldnt b enough to throw off ur aim
ok just looking for suggestion here on what objects to interlock (since thats all ppl seem to care about) together in this map to make it better,...
i know its simple but making a map complex doesnt necesarilly make it fun to play
thats true, but i felt like making my own unique one
geo merging?
finally...thank you, someone that doesnt complain about every lil thing
thats the point that the attackers have a harder time, you play this map with 2 rounds thought so everyone gets to attack/defend
ya there are weapons on the defending wall and on the barriers so it forces the attackers to move forward more. also the attackers have a sniper...
uh sorry well thats why you download it and try it out
ya i know brute shot isnt mlg, but when did i say this was only for mlg games i only said the map layout is similar to Onslaught and besides mlg...
A map kind of like D Day, where one team has to charge the defending team to retrieve the flag and bring it back to their own base. [IMG]...