yes, iv already done a search on this and looked for videos and tutorials but none iv seen have clones that are able to be killed, and those that...
can u kill the clones?
hey i know this is kinda a dumb question but i wanted to know of any tips, techniques and strategies you guys use to quick scope people. i cant do...
ok...what kind of effects do you like
thnx the song is Not My Time by 3 Doors Down
yes most of the pics in the vid are on my fileshare and the floating wings are made just like any other floating object, put a box under em first...
[IMG] watch video here
iv been getting lots of requests for a video slideshow of my screenshots so iv finally got it up on youtube with all the SS's on my FS i showed...
i made a video of the screenshots i showed and more watch it here and tell me what you think
lol your desktop backround thats awesome man thanks
k last one for this thread promise sorry to bug you guys again, but what do you think of this one? Pesticide
thnx dude i appreciate that
hey some new wings (this time w/ swords in em) and got some cool effects on the new pics here tell me what you think of these. Aurora Borealis...
ya it takes some time lol
thats a sword that hes holding dude