you should make it Compatible with Assault or something and plant a Bomb in the Mouth of it other then that it is fun to launch yourself when you...
Welcome to forge hub and i hope you enjoy your stay.
Welcome to Forge hub and i hope you Upload some Great maps anyways i hope you enjoy your stay.
You know what is SoooSad about this map it is a Race track map meaning the highway was already built everything was already pre-built just that...
to much camping spots just played it with Plasma blades and it was Way to campy and the bridge you should make it a soft kill or something cause...
i saw Master chief (Gamertag) and he was a Bungie person and had all of his armor on Quite true
No weapons at all ? Also this map looks Bland and looks boring
give use a desciption of the map and also how bug is the Map(Small, Medium, Large) ?
I threw a Sticky and it stuck my Teammate :D
There is prob a list already of it also it probably wouldnt be added (most of the stuff)
Emile and John nuff said
Jumping around in Matchmaking then Host migration then i teleported into the Map not dead or anything but underneath the map so then i won...
from the looks of it can it support BTB or anything and what is the Map size ?
Try using a 4GB or them 512 MB then try Downloading
Steps 1). Get a Sniper 2). Go near a cliff 3). Shoot Team mates 4). make them go near you 5). Jump off cliff
Go here and make a New thread asking if you can get one of those ok.
Got a couple of friends to play on it then we had a "Race" which consist of last person is Eliminated so then i lost second then well the Jump...
from the looks of it I bet it will be Best if you had a Little Air pad outside of the Cave just to fly around but other then that this map is...
I am going to post a Message to get people to get people to join for Un-Official TGIF signup 1