You do know that the bridge isnt spawned yet it takes 60 secs also it is a MAP PREVIEW
You do know that you just bumped right ? anyways nice map like it just played it with a Guest to figure it out but never found the mystery box
Hello people of Forge hub, Here i am making a Sequel to the Map pack i made awhile ago but anyways the maps name are Dead Way or Drive and Dead...
Happy Birthday person i dont even know :p
Waz up welcome to forge hub we have cookies in the back and stuff also Upload some maps and enjoy your stay.
Welcome to forge hub we have Cookiesin the Back a bit dusty but anywho i hope you enjoy your stay.
You have twenty four (24) hours to make this post up to Forge Hub standards. These standards include: A thread thumbnail showing your map A...
TROLOLOL anyways i guess i shall eat the Cake but post some maps and stuff
Weong Colour there son anyways i guess it looks good.
You post is not up to forge hub standards it will be locked in 24 hrs now mods help
Look it up on Youtube "Winter Contingency Glitches"
Welcome DiZ to Forge hub and i hope you enjoy your stay also we have Cookies and stuff in the back.
You do know that little ledge as a Soft kill now right ?
It could be Z-fighting idk but if you got us a Video of it then that would be helpful also
Well you know where the Crates are also they were Campy and well Yes i agree my Teammates were Idiots but other then the Bridge the map was good
Pinnacle is the worst map ever any game type in that Tower (just like Berb said) is a Camp fest ***** place. Bungie removed that shitty map.
You do know that is spam right ? On topic : looks like a good map nice aesthetics and like the column blowing up but anyways played it with some...
Just wait till the Juicy effect took place then it starts being dark.
Hello people of Forge hub, I have finished the Map pack and well took me a Long time but anyways The map's time to make (Mines = 10-12 Hrs/...
You are noob JKING anyways sup you already know me anyways get Gold nuff said