Gamertag: X RS Sniper X Time On: 8AM-10/12PM BST Job: Yes
What are we waiting 4'z ? JK can't wait for it or something give us a Preview >:D He has released a Map !
Gimme my Cookie i died playing Zombies while reading ;( OT: I like LONG story that you wrote and like the Idea behind it. It is always a Classic...
if it is done then post it in The Halo reach Custom maps and how much players can this support ?
I see this map Canvas is Anchor 9 and can support 1/1 People you might wanna fix that and the Gametypes is Custom so where is the Custom Gametype...
Mods move it to Customs lobby OT : What are we testing is it from you or a friend anything?
you do know that the weapon falls after right ? Just use the Flag stand and make a little Railing with it.
No problem.
Your map called "Roundlayers" has been tested by Me and some friends from the Testers Guild...
it was fun me and my friend got stuff at Pic 4 (Already destroyed the Fusion Coil) but its fun how you made the map. I hope this isnt your Last...
i like how the Ghost Town remake looks like it will prob be a great remake and Lagtiph or something looks Like it a bit so hurry them up so we can...
Remake of Zanzibar Grounded by JDHarbs19
Go to Edit on your Map then go to advance then done just change then finished. OT : I like you structures they have some Feel to it and the map...
Hi Shark so you wasn't lying you were on here anywho i'll friend you on here and send you some Maps that i posted.
Sup people, I am here working on a sequel to my Map pack and just cause i felt that the Beginning of the Storyline. I am working on a Prequel to...
Nggyu is a better name LOL anywho OT: The map as great authentics and stuff but how is the Gameplay any Frame-rate Lag on it ?
Ohh never played BTB that much anywho If it dosnt have any PP or sniper then the Banshee will dominate and have a Horrible gaming Experience.
Utopie ? is that on Matchmaking or something cause i never heard of it
i just noticed that the S is backwards by looking from the Island Point of View anywho hope you released it soon Good luck.
Nice 2,222 Post :p anywho this Contest will suck i bet