I like the idea that that area will be usable in Multi Player. It could be a larger version of the BG to facilitate an invasion gametype. Or maybe...
This went on way to long. For halo 3. load a custom game with flag edit: Capture the flag settings>flag carrier traits>movement>vehicle use= FULL...
This may be related to what bungie has in store for bungie day. Just some sweet shots of the film crew that shot "birth of a spartan" and a...
They did mention this in one of their updates, but they retracted it a couple weeks later saying they will stick to the usual 16 person max party...
haha! At 0:58 the dude totally kill jacks his buddies extermination with the hammer! LOLZ
@ 1:44 there is a new medal "Close Call" = Kill your opponent with a minimal amount of health left. I also noticed at 3:17 when he picks up the...
In that 4th image it looks like when you die the camera will be inline with you and your killer.
That's wayy siccc. Custom armor textures would be an awesome addition to customizing your spartan!!
Wow! What an awesome contribution to this thread! I was trying to clarify to Crypto that his AR reticule would not engulf the entire screen. Not...
The reticule bloom will also have a maximum size. When no shots are fired it will be at its smallest size/most accurate, but after a certain...
I was the same way. I'd just run and gun through the story to say I did it. Go ooooooo pretty colors. Then it was off to play multiplayer. When...
Bungie podcast is up. Three guests: the multiplayer design lead; the UI designer; and the network engineer. On the multiplayer side we heard more...
Its white and has that kinda green dot in the middle like the plasmas from the other games. You do drop your grenades when you die in all the...
I like generator defense because its new and different and sounds intense! Never knowing where they are going to attack 1st. Random power weapon...
I took another look at that evade footage and I think you stay in 1st person too! It looks like he only used half of the "Evade power" maybe if...
-Vehicle armor: I believe that since you are merely in the vehicle and not part of the vehicle that when it gets shot you don't get hurt. I also...
First off: I think what he means is it doesn't shoot EVERY time you pull the trigger. There is a maximum fire rate. This however might just be...
sorry have to reschedule again... I have to work a double 2mrw so I wont be getting on till 11est
I'll be on 2mrw from 6-8 est
"dark bro, dark." (purple) haha congrats