yea i also dont kno wat that sex combo is... but on to the map, its a solid one, and i really like how u geomerged the open box. 4/5
looks like a good map, but just fyi, you have it posted twice in ur sig. idk if it's intentional, just thought i'd give u a heads up
guys the recon thing was a joke cuz he has a pic of a bungie employee lol
you run no risk of losing maps, games, profiles or any other info as all of these are stored on the hard drive. it doesnt matter what disk you use...
ok ive seen this exact thread like 10 times and im pretty sure the first post was copy-pasted
i also agree that you are in serious need of interlocking, if you don't know how it can b found in the forrging 101 section. without it the map is...
i agree with the post regarding fairness, human turrets have a slight edge over covenant ones, so that might make it unfair and un balenced....
i think you just posted the tab and not the actual pictures.
i've never played cs personally, but from the pictures this looks as if you put a lot of time and detail into it. 4/5
i really like the geometry, especially the interlocked bridges. 4/5
this post is not up to standards, you have 24 hours to fixr it will be locked
i disagree with masterjelly, i give this 5/5 for creativity. this is a great idea, and looks like a ton of fun to play.
ok i just need to say that on the last map, 4 shotguns for derense + long narrow hallway = epic fail! there will be immense camping and no fun for...
yea i agree thats a new twist to spawing, i can c this map being made into a very fun mini game perhaps?
i agree good sir
Woah waylander, calm down, the first thing a said was that it was probably nothing. I was simply speculating, and seeing what the views of other...
wow that was fast you came out with a v2 in like a day. that either shows hard work or rushing, hmm i think ill b optimistic and go with hard...
darn i was gonna make one of these, but u beat me tp it and did a better job than i would have. I like the teleporter and cones. 5/5
i also agree that it looks sloppy, when taking screenshots press y and you can fly around and are not restricted to where you went in game. Hope...
i know that you can click on the pics to enlarge, but you will get more dl's if they are full size. from what i can see it looks pretty good, 3.5/5