Wow, looks cool spades. Ill give it a download. Race maps always stay on my hardrive the longest because i love to zip around them when im bored....
S'ok :'(
Hey are you taking part in the rp yet. PLEEASSSSSEEE
Woops sorry i didnt see your post earlier. Yes you may join the role play your character sheet was pretty good.
That was a brilliant post randal. The only thing i could see a little bit odd was that the brute standing there didnt react as the group decided...
Ive started it off. So far i think its going pretty well. People have got the gist and no ones tried to ruin it yet, though i think several of the...
Sure i wouldnt mind. I expect half the people who signed up not to respond. Just submit a character sheet in the sign up thing. You can be a...
you mentioned your character is on the way to the rendevouse. Try to take it slow, we dont want to meet up too soon. try to have fun deciding what...
yeah sure, try to keep to a realistic universe. How much do you think your character can hold. With equipment i was thinking just general...
The RP's up now in the off topic section. One thing about your character. I cant let you have a bubble shield, sorry but i ment to say just UNSC...
The roleplay's up in the offtopic section now. Sorry about the wait
The RP's up now in the off topic section. Sorry about the wait
The RP's up in the off topic section now. One thing about your character. I cant let you have an active camo i really ment just UNSC equipment if...
Ok the RP's up in the off topic section now. Sorry about the wait.
The RP's up in the off topic section now. Sorry about the wait.
The RP's up in the off topic section now if youd like to post. One thing though, you cant have a bubble shield i should have said just standard...
Ok its up, post away
its still going good. Im not sure if ill be doing the contest at the moment because i have tons of assignments to do, work and my first map. Im...
Join my crusade link
i suppose. I dont know this person but i guess i have nothing to worry about.