its non original, but good map
i wanna see pics of the dumpster actually killing someone
cool i guess...
this is a dumb forum
i will continue to disobey your rules, cuz ur not the boss of any1 HA!
e93, yes i know, because i'm don't give a care to reply on monkey's extremekablooie, i don't give a care Vicious Vice, good use of "sir" but you...
at least i don't like the taste of hairy balls like u
goof ideas? ur the goof, this is a good map
no, but i advise you to play this with a big party, its a lot of fun
i'll help u out man
don't spam my map by telling others about yours nub
no its not that big
look at my sig and at what MONKEYDEATH3730 said
Nope because the other one was locked so................ yay!
ya sorry i just think that the non alphas should be stronger, but alpha not invulnerable maybe give the alpha zombie a different weapon, or radar...
guess who cares?
thats awesome how the map that takes me 5 mins to make beats out my 10 hour maps (Signature Below)
i know what you mean about eye candy and i do so in my other maps (Signature) but this is mostly for gameplay
Download this its the life of the freaking party!
it looks like a mess