Everything you just listed he already did.
This is my friend's band and he's looking for support. Sooo.... check it out see if they're you're taste. Here's the link. Have a nice day....
I don't back down to pussies like Mace
Mace is a *****
It's aight. Does anyone know when reach beta comes out?
hahahaha who cares? we know it was you and all the controversy is making it more popular so yes ***** like crazy. they are gonna get away with it...
don't listen to anyone give you **** about where your post is and stuff like that. This is a website not a prison, you'll learn over time where to...
is there gonna be forge in Reach? does Charlie Daniels play a mean fiddle?
is this only for 1v1 or can multiple people use it?
i liked it, but i felt the same way as you when i saw batman. It was way too hyped up
where'd this picture come from?
i'm sure i'll get banned again soon enough, but pretty funny i looked at the infraction points for the last thing and it was 98339495858581 or...
I really like the "reason: go to hell" shows personality, better than, "its not okay to insult other members"
how did i get unbanned?
if they lead to a second pool, then the game will get too complicated, first play the game and you'll see what i mean. if the humans went to a...
Billy u are a liar!
you're too big, anyway don't listen to anyone, be your own person, the only help i got here was by learning it myself, also i've learned to hack...
Don't use the word "Coutyard" to describe something. I basically patented that
hey wazup i was new here a month ago, the moderators are dicks and you'll probably get infracted for just about everything. Don't sweat it,...
pretty cool, but mine's better