lol took a break after question 1 I'll let you know shortly if you're stills tuck
No problem man, good luck!
Figuring you've probably made it past this point but: import java.util.Scanner;
Hmm driving sand skiffs..sounds fun. Playing Borderlands? Not so much :P
I missed your skype notification..something up, or were you just gonna continue this convo there lol?
Mayhaps I will get office then. I seem to have less need of it then initially was believed..I just remembered why it was because I dropped the...
Monitors don't need shields, let's just turn the shield bar into a framerate bar! I do find it quite surprising that with such a focus on the...
Yeah slow, clunky and missing features was what I had heard.
Yeah but not even a throwaway comment in HaloGaf? Seems suspicious to me. Maybe they just plain don't know if they fixed it fully and they...
Just needed pages. I've heard bad things about office for mac.
Eh, I torrented iWorks..even though I thought it was quite reasonably priced. Just happened that it was a "need it right now" situation lol.
I'm hoping that was their mentality behind the substantially smaller spaces. If so I'll be so happy. I dunno how they could overlook it, given...
You know, if I can load my maps to 10k without framerate even being a remote possibility, I don't even care about these textures at all. I will...
Yeah I was undervaluing 7 a bit, it was a great OS. I just had a shitty laptop to run it on because my alienware broke before I upgraded to 7....
Samsung Aware of Exynos Documentation Issue – xda-developers Sammy did say this. Whether anything comes of it...we shall see. Funny to see that...
You could be entirely right..I wouldn't put it past them to make a big deal out of the initial media scan being slower lol.
Sucks though, because the S2 does have one of the biggest dev communities and still runs into these issues. Google just needs to push hard on the...
It was what the Gnex defence force used to always say on the XDA boards when people got on about the phones less than stellar specs. I've heard...
Yeah I think I'll grab the LG Nexus in November once my loan comes in for school. I really do love the S2 but man, I want a stable rom too :(
PC Master Race..pfft It's a good thing Halo is on consoles, right? ;)