well another place that you can look at that shows the old way is...
The first one has great lighting and it looks like you did not plan it. 5/5
shinin' metal has a nice light source and it is nice and simple. 5/5
NIce map but i think you would be able to get out of the map from picture 1 with the frag grenades. nice map though 4/5 edit:sorry but the texts...
no problem but i am now going to remove my pictures since you have them up and i think you should edit your original post and put the pictures up...
i felt like being nice today so here are your picture. edit: so now that you have the pictures up i will take mine down.
This is not up to forge hub standards you need to post pictures if you do not know how go to here...
That sound like a good idea then if you had like a small base at each one but you can only get to the others by air.
I have had them a while and did not know there was a list
Is there going to be like a base at each territory with like turrets on it?
This looks so cool and i like how it has like 3 parts to it. Very nice and smooth. 9/10 How many people will the Map handle?
Gamertag: MaverickFireIce Doubles Rank: 41 Weapon Combo: BR and anything else Favorite Map: Construct Hi if you want to play with me then we...
Well i decided that i would be nice and put some pictures up for you. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
I like the first one the best it looks Omanis
[IMG] This is my first screenshot. I know pretty basic
Maybe making a hugh tunnel and tele at the end that put you back on top
I would make a dumster door if you are planning to make it on Foundry. What Map is it on?
That is pretty funny good job
No that is fine i though you meant it would be to hard. That would be really good the way you are making it now
well i would like a spatian action shot