I have a small but useful idea. At the start of the montage it would show the accelaration logo then it would become smaller and move into the...
I would make some, but honestly Im crap without photoshop. Ha
Just defy, Ill give you a little CnC. Idk if its all one image but the one in the middle would be the perfect logo, maybe a color change to...
well normally I overload my sigs with fractals and renders so I decided a simple look would be better.
[IMG] ^Sig I made after my favorite team. First in about 3 months so go kinda easy. Did it in GIMP, text in Elements. Stock Below: [spoiler]
Awesome dude! My first PS i went freestyle on and it turned out alright. Check out this new sig. [IMG]
Awesome! It makes me think of saturn but like it was infected by flood. The only thing I could really reccomend is to make the main planet in the...
I am changing the superpower debate. I think level 70 is a bit to high unless we level up faster in multiplayer. I know we get 50 xp per kill...
Thats where Im getting the fish from. Ha. Its alright man,
I dont like the fish on the left. Otherwise its a bit bright near the guitar. Pretty good concept.
Any suggestions on what to fill it with? And even though this isnt a popout, in the process I figured out how to do them so I am happy for that.
it was originally a popout then I added a fractal. I was hoping that the opacity was lowered enough.
[IMG] ^I did it in gimp. Its my first popout. I was excited for MW2.
Duckman, although we agree with your statement We have decided to stop fighting and just state our opinions in a respectful matter.
My GT is the same as my name and Filly is my nickname. Teachers and students call me it. Most of my friends parents don't even know my real name,...
I watched the video for it and even if you have a hand spasm or something and accept to play the mission. (IW said you have the option to skip)...
YOUR STATEMENTS ABOUT ****ING APPLES! I'm sorry but in a video game about the terrors of war and the honor and dignity of soldiers, apples apply...
What are you talking about? Your not even funny dude. "I am going to change around a few words with a totally immature topic so that I seem like a...
I totally agree. Children have their whole lives and hopes ahead of them and for a person to take that away would just be wrong. Children are the...
I think its the normal size for forums. It doesnt say under forum rules.