nice job azure and i would say i loved testing this map 4/5 and thanks for credit lol
nice map i love the way you did this i dl to check it further
nice map ilive assault so ill dl and i bet the close combat is bery fun one tip is if poosible i would flip the boxes to make a smoother walking...
ill dl it looks like an awesome map very creative and one thing is i would flip the bridges or so that it creates a smooth walking surface
i dled this and from the screens looks sloppy but no once you get in it looks amazing map i love the interlocking nice job i would play many more...
nice map ill dl it and check it out i love how you made the boxes look like they are sinking but at the same time having the do supportive things...
really nice, well built but one this is that i would take some of the power weapons off so the map is not too over powered
this looks like a cool map i love how detailed it is but i would add a sealling if possible
nice map it looks clean not sloppy at all
nice map ill dl i love the merging
ok then yeah its not though and yeah my computer kinda messes up all my pictures it makes them fuzzy dont know why
lol yeah that was fun yeah i also noticed that when we were playing
HIGHWAY PATROL By XxNAPALM FURYxX Download This map works for: CTF ASSAULT TEAM SLAYER SLAYER TERRITORIES This map's gameplay is supposed to...
no its more that you would try to and it was more because i was trying to get help when it happened and a bunch of people thought i was a retard
it looks cool doesnt quite make sense but i think i get the flow of nice job 8/10
looks pretty cool ill dl it and maybe put more pics up just to show more of the map
pretty cool map love the idea but i would merge if you havent and make every thing even so it doesn't look sloppy
looks cool and thank you for the credit but hey fly i said people would talk about grenade jumping over that wall. lol I TOLD YOU SO. lol your...
i think its cool but i would take off one or two power weapons