Very good job. This is the best CS map I've seen so far. I liked the how you could use the teleporters as panels.
Very nice. I was looking for a pic map in cold storage. Downloading now.
The ship being suspended on the edge of Avalanche is cool but I would suggest embedding your pics into the forum.
Very good interlocking. I like the sniper perch the best.
Very nice interlocking. I like the higher grounds because you can scope people down with the BR. Nice job.
You add way more pics because one won't convince people enough. Also add more description. I would rather know more about the map I'm going to...
The lasers make this map intense but CS maps aren't really a great place to start forging. But its a great place for KotH.
Out of all the Ghost Town maps I've played. This was by far the best.
The first picture was decieving but it just showing what it looked like without the roof. The other pics show the map with the roofs placed on.
Nice map very cleanly interlocked. When I played it with my friends, they were amazed!. Nice job. (P.S. I didn't notice your map was closed off)
I like the tunnels very creative. Good job.
I can't wait to play this map. It reminds me of the map on Gears of Wars.
The Drawbridge was very creative. I don't think any of my friends could have thought of that.
This looks like a great map.I love the structure hanging over the map.
This map was neat but for some reason doesn't interest me.
Wow. Amazing interlocking, it looks really clean and smooth. Very nice idea!
The timing with the effects are cool but CS isn't really a great place for forging at this moment
I was thinking of putting something up there but was to lazy. You saved me a lot of work Scopulus. I'll download later
Orbital Docking Station looks very creative. Its amazing that you made ALL of these!
Thanks guys but to tell you the truth, I didn't use any FX. I staged this outside the map in the area behind the window of the bases in Avalanche....