lol some street fighter action. The title reminds me of how people ask for recon. Good job.
Very nice and the first best infection map on CS so far. Thats very clever also to use the flood holding chamber for the zombies. The layout and...
I need opinions before I buy a game for either one because I need something to hold my attention when my brothers are playing on the 360.Thanks....
Cool map. I think I saw a biography on a place that looks very similar to this. This map is very creative and has nice interlockings. I like maps...
The sumo platform looks sturdy but how are you supposed to score? My friend made a sumo map like this outside of Standoff so that if you fall off...
lol.Thanks guys. Even my friends didn't get it for a second and when they found out, they said they were addicted to looking at itt in my file share.
5/5 VERY good job. The halfpipe looks so smooth that it looks like you bent the walls! I've never seen a map like this. I'm D/L now to play with...
Can you post a little more pictures? Your map from these pictures look really good but I would to see more of it if you can.
I have a question that I've been trying to find the answer to for a while. How do you merge boxes and walls into the back hallways of Foundry?...
These methods are awesome but I'm still stuck on how to geomerge boxes and walls with the hallway in the back of Foundry. Can anyone help?
I haven't seen much MLG maps in a while but looking at the first picture it looks lik the double walls you're standing on are kind of crooked. It...
Can someone tell me how to geomerge boxes and walls into the back hallways in Foundry? I've seen other maps do it.Thanks for your guys help....
Very nice interlocking. I liked the tubes over head.
Lots of close quarter makes for a lot of carnage. Good job.
Very creative and looks very much playable. Good job.
This map seems kind of empty. I suggest adding a little more scenery. 3/5
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Very good geomerging. I wanna know how you got the open box in the hallway.
Awesome. The base kinda looks like the base of a boat but It looks very cool. Good job