After watching the video about swimming with the ballistic knife, and finding some really try-hardy kids in Search, just after Black Theorem blew...
76 and 9 Summit Domination‏ - YouTube
I started getting bored today, which eventually lead to my browsing of youtube, which lead to my re-discovery of the Halo CE OST, which lead to my...
Terraria Let's Play! Gogogogogo! If you like it; comment, like, and subscribe! YouTube - Terraria Part 1: The Beggining‏
YouTube - Terraria: Defeating the Goblin Army‏ Enjoy.
YouTube - A question to my followers.. Thoughts?
Near perfect game on One in the Chamber. No mic, so no commentary this time though, hopefully I'll have it by next week. The intro got totally...
[IMG] [IMG] I know it's bad, but if you could tell me what you would do to make it more appealing, it would be appreciated greatly. It's 12:19...
This happened earlier today, and it's only the second instance I could find. Plus, I got a Quad :P Big thanks to Bloo Jay for uploading/rendering...
Here's a video that's pretty sweet; it's Superman Socks, by Nicepeter. YouTube - SUPERMAN SOCKS Peter's pretty good at what he does, and he...
Hello Everybody! This is my preview to my first Invasion map! Just because it;s my first, doesn't mean it will be bad, as I plan to put it through...
HEY! If you've been following me what so ever; this is the first map I've actually posted in like 4 months! Lets see if I can still do this! Lets...
So, I was a bit curious on my intelligence and I found this test: INTELLIGENCE TEST Basically, you have 33 (acronyms?) and you have to say...
With the recent success of my last preview, "The Shrine", I bring to you good people my second Reach sketchup project; Battlements! [IMG]...
YouTube - Kitten pic then the sexy Penguinish dance Beefi linked this in the shoutbox, so I posted it for him.
Ok, so I was looking through the forums to see what we've come up with so far pertaining to plans for Reach. Along the way; I thought to myself...
Map Preview: The Shrine Well, in about an hour and a half of sitting in my Omni, I came up with this. If it looks uneven in some spots, it...
Ok, this isn't your normal map adoption! this is a collaborative effort! Basically, you post yor GamerTag, and a link to atleast one (1) of your...
Microsoft Cancels 1 Vs. 100 - Well, the big smarties over at Micro$oft cancelled another franchise because they claimed there was no...
[IMG] "Oh no! Not another shipment remake for the contest! I thought it was a quarry remake!" If you were one of many who thought the above...