We all know it's going to be big, what are your ideas? Surely I can't be the only one dreaming about what we can make. Commence discussion! It's...
What are you guys doing for International TableTop Day this year? It's definitely a real thing, look! Wil Wheaton wants you to play more games on...
We all know Halo 4's Forge is essentially **** with a couple bits of corn thrown in for good measure, but who remembers the OG Forge? This is...
That's right, I'm getting back into this - again. If you want a video of your map, fill out the following template and post it in this thread....
Considering Halo 4 comes at the end of this next short week, I've had an idea. I'll be making a montage of everything that you think is brilliant...
OK, so I found this out on complete accident when I was playing with Stickman and some real life friends, basically I wanted to revive two people...
What's the best loot that you guys have found so far? I've got a Hyperion shotgun that does 26x8 with a really good fire rate and a quick reload....
This one's easy enough to wrap your head around, you just post the top 5 songs that you feel best describe your life - either past or current....
If you've been paying any attention to the Forza 4 thread over the last couple of days, or your name is Sky, then you know that I'm trying to make...
I can't believe there isn't already a thread for this made, it's better late than never I suppose. The beta is (probably) open now, and it's...
Want something to do while you can't directly download maps? Want to watch the latest Banjo Kazooie Lets Play with the world's worst commentary?...
Episode 1 Minecraft Hardcore: The beggining of the end - YouTube Episode Guide: [spoiler] Episode 2 [spoiler] Episode 3 [spoiler] [/spoiler]
Spongebob: Can You Survive 4 minutes of Dadadadadada? - YouTube You are now ready to see the Krabby Patty Definitely not a wang Ang-way!...
Child Predator PSA - YouTube
Seananners? Dramatic Nanners - YouTube
I come to you, veterans of the GnA section (and some new guys too), with a request. A request, more specifically, for my Youtube channel....
Ohey, you probably clicked this link because you wanted to see what it was about, or what I meant by test, or just because it was there. Basically...
... And I thought people couldn't possibly get more ignorant. Cop tasers then kicks mentally handicap person while he is complying - YouTube
We start off with episode 1, awkwardness ensues! Sharp & I play Minecraft! Ep1 - YouTube
Black Ops DualTage: Pistols Out - YouTube