this is really cool and i love how u used 300 in this
the map layout i like but the forgeing is very sloppy fix it up and i would love to see a V2 of this map
im going to dowload and come back with a reveiw but from the pics it looks great
for ur V2 map if i were u i would make more rooms instead of one and make it a holelot bigger trust me
thats not all u have to believe jesus is the son of god,have repentance,and be bapitized for the remission of ur sins,and if u didnt do this then...
thanks for ur suggestions
i downloaded and checked iit out its good for a 2v2 and 1v1 but not a 3v3 unless u like hetic gameplay and i wouldnt use ffa on this map with more...
listen there is a god and there is a jesus and jesus is the son of god i know this because the BIBLE states it.the bible tells us what kind of...
congrates . i love this map and so do my friends its an amazing map great job
this map looks good for 2v2 or 3v3 and ffa like the look of it 3.5/5
for ur first map post its good but my only concerns are that there is way way way to many power weopons and eqiupment and try to use more...
hahahahahahaha damn well dont tell me what not to do and what to do:)
i was thinking the same thing i put ghost on all my maps its a habbit i love ghost but im going to probaly take it out
i dont see why it should matter and plus what if i want to rate it huh what if. and plus im sure everyone does it it shouldnt matter. please do...
thanks Zombie send me a friends request on live if u want or ill send it to u
COLDSTRICT ..................... hi im nsD Dictator and this is my 4th map thread this is my third CS map and its got geomerges and interlocking...
all i have to say is ur an idiot dude there is no hammer and the flamethrower woow ur a pus dude if someone has the flamethrower back ur ass up...
alright thanks alot but u still havent given me a review if u say it then keep ur word plz but thanks anyway
thanks alot
i checked it out i liked ur map but i didnt see any thing the same as my map