A friend and I have a plan to lock ourselves away for several days straight, finish campaign and then boss each Spartan Ops mission one by one as...
I reckon if there isn't one available we should create one, along with a remake of every possible map, and then have super awesome happy nostalgic...
Hmmm... Halo 4: Mantis on Valhalla Remake Gameplay - YouTube
Its marketing ploy with the intent of building hype. They aren't meant to be boring informational videos detailing the specifics of each weapon.
That boltshot may become my new secondary and that song was fresh!
Looks i gotta update my maps list post and damn, dat Valhalla. Now I'm happy!
You know what we awesome. If they brought back Foundry but with that whole outside dock area playable and forgeable as well. That'd be intense.
These were my exact thoughts when someone mentioned the clue brought up structure in google that looked similar to Sandbox.
Goddamn now I want to know what this new maps is!
No thats just a reskinned shotgun Im pretty sure.
"Some game modes". Its alright. We can still teabag else where.
Yeah my initial reaction was like 'that looks like **** covering all the walls'. The rest map just looked really dirty and horrible.
UPDATE: New map Solace up, however it lacks decent imagery on the interwebs so the one I put will have to suffice for now.
Halo 4 Solace Map Gameplay with Nexy (Inside Gaming Extended) - YouTube
Ooft dem weapons all be sexy. I think I love that Beam Rifle and Carbine, but for lolz, the Concussion Rifle.
****. There better be a gametype with sinilarities otherwise i may not forge anymore.
Actually true... although I am still playing MW2 so maybe they got something right with that one. BUT ANYWAY halo!
I dont think 343 is stupid enough to make quickly made 1-year throw away games for halo. It just wouldnt make sense if they were trying to both...
Promethians are fresh...
If this is true then maybe its another forge map, a re-skinned, updated Sandbox. That'd be swag.