Goddamn so I sent you a message to tell you that the footage never came through but then that message didnt send and now its like a 'yo dawg'...
Guys relax. At least the campaign is sticking genuine to Halo tradition, and after all, that for me is a third of the selling point (the other...
Ermagerd I love that site already. And I can actually join it unlike Turntable.
Needs more explosions, body parts and aliens... Nah but seriously this Forward Unto Dawn looks like its gonna be good. Looking forward to the next...
Meltdown seems reminiscent of Avalanche. Not sure if I like it or not though...
hahaha k sweetos
Yep. Postage wont be that much to Sydney Australia will it?
Ah lol my bad well now theres all the remixes in one thread :D Check the Halo 4 sub forum. But yeah Alvin Risk fuuuaaarrrrk thats good.
So you know how they said they'd release a bunch of official remixes along side the meticulously crafted Halo 4 Original Soundtrack? Yeah well I...
Also that UNSC weapon trailer music: Neil Davidge - Nemesis (Alvin Risk Remix) [FULL STUDIO] - YouTube
Because i follow KOAN Sound i found this on my fb newsfeed. Halo 4 - Green & Blue (KOAN Sound Remix) - YouTube
Honestly, i dont really know why your complaining about this... It just sounds like such a pety thing. The Assault rifle has never been a decent...
UPDATE: Added pictures for Ragnarok. That map is sexy and im so happy it was chosen as the remake.
Kk sweetos buritos
Actually might be easier if you record it all. Ill see what i can with the footage. Also which of my songs did you have in mind?
Wow lol yeah i posted this in the discussion thread a few days ago.
I cant garuntee anything but i could take a look tonight and film some artistic flythroughs n **** and just generally experiment.
Try Cubase. Its fairly similar but for pc.
I use Logic Pro 9 on Mac plus Reason 5 to model all my drums.
You might be on to something. I guess we'll have to see when halo 4 comes out. Im hoping the leech/regen traits will be there so it should work....