Hahah nah its all good. But yeah, i think everyone is sharing a similar pain at the moment against forge and its future. :(
Yeah trust me im just as pissed off as you are. In reach i was the guy with the ton of unreleased unique invasion maps. Now i cant do anything...
"I cry when angels deserve to die" RIP usable forge. You will be forever missed and remembered through the legacy of Halo 3 and Reach. :'(
Saying im from waypoint n ****. Kids crazy. :P
Yeah ive been avoiding searching up halo 4 related content so that nothing is spoiled when i get the game. Edited by merge: Lol wut
I feel sorry though in a way for 343, because here we are complaining immensely over some minor hinderances while we are forgetting the big...
Is there anyway to create an invasion like gametype now?
First up, this a modem/router/apple-is-a-*** related issue. Recently we purchased a Netgear N600 Router and it works beautifully to replace our...
Can someone ask him about shield leech and regeneration traits?
One of my dreams has been crushed as i dont believe there is enough space to make it. :(
I was almost gonna have a fit for the ranking system being like COD but then I saw this: I was like **** YEERR. Halo has always been about the...
Hmm they are actually fairly similar but I think its because of the lighting. Also at exactly 1:26, notice how that shaft of light seems like it...
So anyone know the third map?
Oh yeah 3 weeks should be enough time.
Umm.... Ill have to have a look lol. But yeah sorry in advance if it takes a while to get this done because of my exams.
Ah k no worries. Im trying to work which of my songs but I dunno which one. :/
Also whats the map called
Didnt you want some gameplay footage as well?
Yolo its Halo I pre ordered months ago. :P
Damn... well i dunno. If you get working in the next week though im not gonna have time. Exams start in week and its the hardest two first up so...