Hey, another excellent map T4K! Very smooth, very racy (I find the map facilitates much overtaking), and very aesthetically pleasing. There are...
Woah I thought this was it! I haven't checked the race maps for a while, and when I saw this yesterday, I assumed it was the track you were...
It's a me, Mario! Hey, awesome track mate, quite a nice surprise actually... Anyway, as I said with your previous track, we need more tracks...
I checked your map, and it is quite something. Expertly forged, to say the least. I was wondering, though, how you found images for equipment and...
Wow, using the roof of the crypt gives the map such an atmosphere! The whole idea that you don't feel like you're on solid ground, and the low...
The Merging looks fantabulous; this map is sure to play very smoothly. What is the best way to merge as you have done (that is, walls and ramps...
They aren't in the Mythic Map Pack because Microsoft thought it would make more money if it was attached to ODST. What do you mean by 'having to...
Perhaps have just one starting point, and make every other point a simple respwan point?
Well, this looks exceptionally forged and, judging from a quick forge-through, seems to play well also. However, I did have one gripe. Whilst I...
My goodness this track is so smooth! I haven't raced properly on it yet, so I can't comment, but I worry whether this track will actually promote...
Wow, T4K! I mean seriously, how do you make your maps so quickly! This is one good track for ten hours work, and original too. As much as banked...
As you can see from these two screenshots [1][2], object hitboxes are not regular. See the slanted foot? That is due to the surrounding hitboxes...
I never said you weren't free to criticise my opinion, merely that you would not be able to change it. 'Swayed' would have been a better choice of...
Don't worry, I am certainly very happy that we were even given Forge in the first place. Nonetheless, I don't see why I shouldn't be allowed to...
How on God's green earth is asking for smoother walls unreasonable? The walls of Foundry were difficult to work with. We tell Bungie so. Bungie...
Witty, Sweeny, Witty. Let me ask you something. Do you think asking for smooth, flat walls is an unreasonable demand? Do you think asking for...
Here's where you're wrong. The OP, and myself, do not want a perfect Forge map. We most certainly do not want to be pitied. All we are saying is...
IIDTWYCT has the right idea here. You see, Cheat, we are not poor forgers. Nobody in their right mind can deny that the easier it is to forge a...
I will test this in an hour or so. However, seeing as deleted default objects do not replenish the OLN, I cannot imagine one would be able to...
I've cut the first few paragraphs out due to their nature as mindless condescension. How are these hopes unreasonable? Understandably, the ability...