It looks nice. I could give two **** what the outer bit looks. Just make everything I type on and click, Old School-like.
dig it up. ill pay you.
uh, wheres my old school?
I'd like my Old School Forum Template back. kthx
PPC needs to be opened. blargh.
Use Dragonrend, Ion! You big dumby. Brule's Rules.
We do have standards.. We're just looking for a new doorman.
Sarge, go to the first page and make a rule that states: If you post in the PPC with a pony avatar you will be infracted.
screw sarge, hes an ass. how do i get to the pony thread?
He's the idiot that picked the scab.
change the ppc title.
Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 3 (3 members and 0 guests) CaMOfo, Epic Tusk+, Security Rorak is smart. He writes out his posts in Word.
rorak faps to mr. hands.
grunthunter's blog.
I'd totally pick [C] but that red, storm dot is off-putting. So, over all I'd buy [D].