me either.
Xun, watch what you say. Furry and BT will beat your scrawny lil' ass.
I just bought a blue 96' Jetta two weeks ago. 80,000 miles. Out the door plus tax and title it came out to be $3,800. Just a couple of days ago I...
**** yeah. QKT, Furry, Camo. Dream Team 2012.
Same! This is tight, yo! Would you care to play on an eastern server if they're still using them?
Did the new episode just air today or did they come back last Thursday? Check Hulu perhaps?
False. He's good.
Cudi is a god. Put your Navi makeup on and hide in your mother's flower garden before I beat yo ass.
Kid Cudi - Maniac - YouTube
I don't ever remember a time like that.
I'm house-sitting my dude's house, so I don't have anything on this computer. I can get on Minecraft and stand there though, haha.
Excuse me fellas.. Can I see your membership badges?
QKT, did you get your plane ticket I sent you in the mail?
Does anyone talk to Pac? He seems like a poop.
Halo 4 is lookin pretty cool.
Cheetah Robot Gallops at 18 mph - YouTube
I'm moving to LA for a year this summer.. I think. I'm not sure yet.
I've always wanted to see an asian in real life before.
I'm flying QKT to LA this summer.
I have a grizzly chest full of hair.