4 topics in a row. Nice job. He is a very good spammer. now that you proved your point that you are going to get banned, you should stop.
He is just spamming, he isn't trying to post a map brute captain.
Love the switches Coyote. Keep it up!
Sorry Iverson...I can't have your babies today :(
Sup Supreme?
Hi Coyote!
I suggest taking off the filters when taking screen shots. I'm just warning you, because many others are going to complain about it in the future....
First time in a long time that I have seen a Valhalla map. Nice work! 4/5
This map is a good example of a map that doesn't need a lot of interlocking to look very good, and play pretty good. Nice job.
What happens if someone gets into the warthog?
He edited his post after I posted this. He insulted sgt.pepper before he edited it. He said, "Did you even read how to post maps" Nice map. I...
Wow, you guys are nice. To learn how to post your maps go here, it will help a lot and get people like IKiNgJuMpMaN 23 and DriSCOLL away from you.
What is with the jail?
Very sloppy, needs interlocking, and from the pics I can't tell that it is ascension.
sweetness. A vehicle combat map without an armory!
You shouldn't double post maps, one of these topics are going to be delete by a mod.
What happens if they leave the room?
Very awesome. And I am just wondering, is possible to jump down onto the normal level?
It looks kinda messy, did you interlock anything?