im an asshole. i melee my teammates near the end of the game and troll them until they kill me so i can boot them and they lose alllll their end...
I like the twists and turns of the map and how theres multiple routes. too bad reaches forge doesn't have sandstone objects because the halo 3...
Bravo dude, this is one of the best looking competitive maps i've seen on this site. You really did good with with glass and nice choice of colors...
Nicely constructed map. liked the whole jump down the kitchen appliance concept and the entire layout of the house. bravo.
one of the funnest looking race maps i've seen. honest.
pretty nice lookin symmetrical map. like the whole rift think in the middle, and what you did with the walkway as support beams. nice job.
This is one of the if not THE best infection map out there. its what actually got me more into forging. Before i saw this video on youtube all i...
Man what happened to you? you've pretty much gone dark on youtube, other than the few request videos recently. i r want update. just so i know...
What a fun looking map. i definitely prefer custom infection made maps over any other game type and this looks like keeper. aesthetically pleasing...
id like to see a few more pictures. cant really get a feel for what the map looks like. so far so good though.
Wow these maps are awesome! i especially liked what you did with the whole sewer thing and the water on the first map.
It was about 2 or 3 years ago that i stumbled upon this frickon hilarious halro reach fan-made real life trailer/skit. it was pretty popular too....
The yellow stairway/incline is visually pleasing and the pool is looking pretty spiffy, descent structures and looks... 8/10
um.. forgetacular is over and i don't think bungie is accepting matchmaking maps from the community any more.
I believe your striving too much to make the map like a cod zombie map. this is halo my friend, make some original material here. other than that...