What would you suggestion be for photoshoping it
A screenshot from my pre-Xbl days. when I only played campaign. http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=20597208 [IMG] Please comment
My current GT (same as me account name here) comes from a stick figure comic I made when I was younger. The main character was named mip (I don't...
The incendiary grenade creates a similar affect to the frag but in the fire gives a nice look Heres an shot I took [IMG]
it is really nice to see another alien and predator fan on this site. I'll give the game type and map a DL
The map looks very well done, and I like that it has a storyline, I'll give it a DL when I get the chance
I had seen interlocking before I just didn't know WHAT could interlock so I only did it to a few boxes. The name wasn't made as an excuse for...
The walls, i will admit, need some work I was still getting used to foundry when I made this map (I've made maps before this is just my first...
what do you mena by straitning
Map Title: Clutter Download Map Description: [IMG] Equipment: -1 bubble shield -1 trip mine -1 gravlift -2...
friends list? Gladly Ill send an invite. Also it isn't free this thursday its free this TUESDAY as in tommorow, for me atleast. I will say I...
thanks for the welcome, I'm mipmaker. I'm an ameture forgist with a few good maps which I may post. I don't have any foundry maps though, but I...