Yeah I have an idea I am considering doing there, but I'll probably do it in Foundry though.
Bungie has a tendency to "not tell the whole truth". I certainly hope that it can be forged on. I look forward to having somewhere to do good...
Like I said before, it might be just a view from a certain point. And maybe a unseen section will be flat and forge-able.
Well, sorry if its already been posted. So what, bungie is just screwing with us?
I know a lot of people think that the upcoming map might be a Forge based map, I personally hope it is, but judging by the sketch posted on...
To me it seems like they should, at the very least, say where they found the maps.
Yeah, I'm thinking I'll probably go with #2.
That looks an sounds awesome.
I'd appreciate staying on topic here conker >.>
Fore symmetry I usually use the grid-like lines made from the foundry floor panelings. Anything above that is kinda hit-and-miss for me.
I like to concept. I can't really rate a map unless I play it, but it certainly looks like it would be entertaining to play.
This was my favorite level in the original super smash bros. I understand what you mean about adding the power weapons. I'll definitely DL this...
The second design is actually already in forged (minus the corners), but it came out sort of sloppy and bumpy. I was also kind of mind-blocked for...
Hello, any person who reads this. I am desperately trying to get a map design going so I can post something on here I am proud of. (The other map...
Oh, you probably were talking to the wrong person. Okay then.
What is going to be better?
I don't like Soulja Boy,Lil' Wayne...God, is a long list. Worse, IMO, is the Jonas Brothers and Hannah Montana. Pretty much any group of young...
Hey, I'm mipmaker. I'm just returning from a long halo-hiatus. I have a habit of starting maps then getting side-tracked with another idea...Then...
One thing that always bothers me is when I try to geo-merge something that is in the air. It has always been a pain to me.
Thanks for the suggestions,I'll test it out today