I dont see why eveyone thinks that the maps so great and most of the race maps you have made are on maps you can not race on. nice one
Its good that you made a map on rats nest but i dont like race maps that have man canons on it and have not been used right.
Hay like the track a. I think its fat az. The only stink thing is that theres no room for SPEED!!!!
Ill have to say it has been made good.But i would find the track boring and there is noway of having a non cheat scoring place
Thanks. Can do interlocking but this was made before i new how to do it. I do have a CTF maps with lots of interlocking on it. Called HOUSE OF...
Its just coz i'm new to Posting in Maps
Hey i made a map kinda like this b4 i saw this one, its got like secret path ways and stuff its pretty cool, i was gona use juciy, gloomy and old...
Yea well all those so called perfect maps are made well but they're not fun
Looks like your've made good Bends and stuff so yea... My Maps: Sky High Drift http://www.forgehub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=9083 Tasy's Track...
Dude whats interlocking?
The track is made for vip so if you go off the track you will not get a point. So its not easy to cheat.
Nice map man
Oh thx alot man
Why the hell ain't the Pictures working!!!!!!!!
how do i get the pics work
im not sure how to get the pics right yet how do u do it u should down load it still vrey good track
This is a very hard track to race on, as it is easy to roll and come off the track and will end up passing the mark you need to go through. OH...
A Long Track mostly made for Drifting around sharp corners and it also has alot of Awesum Jumps. It has a Wide trake so you can Drift around all...