this map look fun ill have 2 play it same time
cant realy say what to mark it but i think it looks to small
hay love this map i find it realy good with BRs and its good when ur on 1 side and u get the uper hand
now that i have seen the other pics ill have 2 say it has been made slopy. may be if you just a time more time on your tracks it may get better marks
hay look allright from the pics would download it but running out of space on halo 3 may be you should put in same more pics then ill take a look...
thxs good to hear that my track is coming out good and that alot of people like it.
na it dont look 2 bad its just not the track i like dude
umm all right but its just like evey othere map on rats nest boring
cool idare but you just need 2 work on your skill. nice one
i dont realy see this az a speed way track sorry to say
love this track need a place for scoring
it looks 2 funny a so i will not download it
lol your heart looks a bit evil
cool az but godzilla das not have lassers
dono how u made all them but its fat az
hay nice map.I love how you have made it for not just mongoose nice one and it is an open track so there more room for passing.
do you feel good when make the same map
dude weres your pics. lol there not working ill come back when u have fixed them
I dont see how this is a race track??????
this is the frist good race track map that i like sofar.coz it has good speed,jumps,and turns.The only down side is you only have one pics that i...