yea i know what it is now but when i stared 2 post maps i didnt know when the word ment lmao
thaxs teh master you no me off xbox live a
what is the aim of the game
some bits look alright but i dont realy like it
hay not a bad map looks very wall made too
look like lost of fun a mite have 2 play it same time
The Jungle Gym! Test your Jumping, Dodging and Thinking skills and see if you are able to Complete this crazy orbstacle corse! Game Variant: Any...
hay love the inside corner look mean
hay love the track and i like the shield door jumps i have same of them on my l8st track oh yea its good how u put lots of pick of the track to...
ill say its all right like the starting too the most
hay looks fun it stinks how u can make it cheat free
hay very wall made and looks all right too the only thing in u need two see if you can make a way to stop the cheating losers. but yea ill say...
from that one pics it looks all right but it still need more =)
dude ur going 2 need same pics or it looks like it could be l8ers 4 ur post
hay like the look of the 1pics of ur new tracks
i found this boring az i dono why evey sees it so good
hay dude you did a realy good job on this map and it looks just like it to im giving you a 10/5 lol coz its mean az
na dont like this 1 cant say it looks good to
this 1 looks good and it good how its in the open
it looks alright