Mattz i downloadz a good i am legendz mapz you playz with mez?
Rawr sarge still sends me clan messeges its wierd
No burger king. i wantz home made cheezburgerz *(get on xbl im bored)
RAWR i want cheezburgerz /sadface /cry
Still wantz cheezburgerz
From the pics you posted it looks awesome dude. I loved I am legend. It looks like it gives you a survivor feeling. im gonna check it out. Nice job
Can i haz cheezburgerz
Nice idea, but there should of been away to keep the players from escaping. The map looks like it could use some touch ups and it does not look...
Its ok. Make the track a little smoother. I didnt see much interlocking objects. But none the less it looks like a cool map 3/5
The wepon racks caught my eye. Nice work on the map. Look fun to just hold out with a couple of buddies
That looks rly fun. nice interlocking
Its cool how you made this. It look like a carnival :squirrel_rocking:
Looks cool. I love the robot. looks like a good racing map im gonna check it out
Looks pretty cool m8. Looks like a city