Hi, I like your map, the interlocking is flawless, the layout is great, gratz on the feature, but there is a slight problem. The Forgehub...
hey deathtoll i joined group, glad you got it approved. looking forward to seeing how it goes down. gonna be awesome.
lol look deathtoll its insane whoops no its not false alarm
stupid forgehub wont let me have clapping joker as avatar so this will have to do
yo deathtoll, this is shivers, send me a message or something when u find out the verdict from insane. hope it works out.
thats sort of my reason for asking this, i cant remember if it was just me and my freinds brainstorming, or an actual map. i want to make it if it...
I recall an infection map, where there was a dark tunnel, and zombies would attack the humans from the other end and the humans had to use...
Stop bumping and creating new accounts just to post here. lol using the same avatar for each one was a bad idea. Fixing the spelling mistakes...
i would, but the race maps got removed from the bungie favorites.
eep, i cant seem to get it, please explain more. if you know how to do it, post a tutorial or something, because i really need to know how to do...
So you interlock a box slightly higher than the old one and have it spawn a little late into the game? so in theory, you could get a bunch of...
In many halotracks race maps, a box spawns on the starting point, lifting players over a gate. it does not trap or launch them. it lifts them up....
whats wrong with my map? what violation have i done?
OK, this is kinda frustrating. out of, i think 15 or so posts, only 2 have been about my actual map. Please, I understand image hosting. there is...
Thanks revelation. I'm working on getting this map playtested, i will make changed accordingly.
if you click the picture, or the bungie link, you get a bigger picture. If you fall, you are basically at the mercy of the zombies. I tried to...
Okay, i dont like imageshack, because it resizes my images and makes them really small thumbnails. Please, discuss my map, not image hosting!
I thought posting a link to bungie.net that had a pic already in it was sufficient. i did not know that the rules needed me to embed them. sorry.
One pic up, thats an overview, more incoming.
working on putting up pics as we speak. Will links suffice, or will i have to hassle with imageshack?