Peloquin is right. It looks really neat though it could be improved in certain zones. But it's a really excellent job for being your first map.
Land Reborn. Land Reborn is a competitive map. The map itself is more thought for Team Slayer Gameplay but it also supports Capture the...
Oh I see. And Debo, don't make references of me on Chipsinabox's profile... =P However, gimme your title...
Hi Noxiw my friend. Excellent map I've to say, I remember when we playtested this months ago... Keep up the good work, I love your maps overall.
I remember playing this with you and rifte. Totally awesome map, I suppose it took ages to get everything straight and I really like the bases and...
What Debo said... Just Ignore him, he made a reference of me in that link...
GM at The Cutting Edge. What's a GM?
Pretty Interesting idea. But I don´t like those kind of ¨casual¨ games. Good work though.
The map overall is excellent. I love how it plays and it´s aesthetics are really great. Balance an player flow too. Nicely done!
This map has some little disadvantages Peloquin. I can see it´s breakable and you know it is. The Spawn points are a little bit weird. Lots of...
Well, the design took me a while but making the map was really easy.
Hello Forge Hub members, I'm halomcee. This is my first Forge Hub post but I hope you like my map. It's called Land Reborn. Ok, the map was...