it all depends on how you want your rooms to be connected. a door (the actual forge piece, i assume) helps visually separate areas and is a pretty...
The picture I drew is still symmetrical, Blue base is on top and Red base is on bottom, and the line of symmetry runs horizontally through the...
Ummm, yes... Is that somehow a bad thing?
I'd suggest a full redesign. I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but the reality is that the map in it's current state just won't be...
Hushed Apprentice, for sure.
Yes, I'm aware, we have them far above the map. The spawn rooms are up in the quarry and the map is way down on the opposite side of the island,...
Any tips on how to minimize the massive spazzing-out that occurs when a non-host player goes through the teleporter? Tutui and I were easily able...
Played some Omar the Spaceman with Shoe last night... he has crazy mad jetpack/hammer haxx, I got crushed like 20-9 :(
Flat map = boring map. You reeeeally need to have some height variation in order to break up the massive long sightlines. Right now, the map is...
The point of a map preview is to advertise your map. If you just post the finished map with no preview, nobody will have heard of your map before...
if only i could pry my brother away from the box :c
Thanks all! And yes Shacker, there's a lotta colosseum wall, especially when looking from above in the screenies, but from a player perspective...
Embarcadero all the way, map-pack bros gotta stick together.
That was indeed some boss driving, Tutui... let's call it a team effort. ;)
Fail. Check out the current FHF winners if you're still under the impression that you need to be colored/popular to get your map noticed....
Thanks man, I guess Barky's up next :P
Dude. That game was insane. Triple kills eeeeeeverywhere! Like I said, ultimate boss gunner.
Simple solution, just delete all the other maps ;) While framerate probably isn't one of the strongest points of the map, I did the best I could...
Yeah dude. Full playthrough, watched all the cutscenes, didn't speedrun anything. Good clean fun.
Embarcadero thread! Yeah! *simultaneous jump* The Flying-Soul-Duck-Knizzle map pack shall conquer all!