There is a reason why you are supose to post screenshots. To show action footage, (to prove you tested the map), and test ensure potential...
I really don't see the point of a Guardian remake...Is it for people who ONLY have the mythic mappack? I think it's stupid and honestly, a big...
This does look like one of the smoothest race tracks I have seen, atleast from pictures anyways. Great pick to be featured. I'll have to...
If it was something other than racing I would probably join. Race maps are probably my least favorite.
I should start a thread about, "My Rant About Staff Captains, First Lieutenants, Field Majors, Strike Commanders & Force Colonels". And complain...
What if his whole team is dead and they are all getting t-bagged as well? He might explode form too much t-baggingness.
I'll enter my map, Bed Bugs. It's in the testing phase but should be ready by tomorrow nightish. I'll reserve this spot for when it's tested and...
No ****. Don't post remarks about it not helping you while your in an MLG discussion and don't even play MLG.
Alright, good I'll check it out.
Don't be mean. It's not nice. Kids CANNOT handle situations on their own. Although Halo is for older audiences, still, be nice, they are sensitive.
I like to talk **** whether they are better than me or not. It makes the game more interesting and exciting, if you can't deal with your...
No, just says there is a technical error and to talk to the admin.
Link is down, kid. Atleast for me it is.
I'm actually work on a map similiar to this, but gameplay is actually included. I'm just now entering the testing phase....
Whenever you're down and I'm online just shoot me an invite.
Who's "you guys"? I would like you to elaborate on that a bit. If you're referring that rude comment to me, then you are simply ignorant and...
Oh I didn't mean to sound like the laser would be a good idea, I meant to sound like it would be aweful because it wuld resemble Standoff even...
If your not sure if you're modding or not, you probably aren't.
I don't think anyone has had as much trouble as you. I think you should check and make sure your ISP allows the port to be open for p2p programs,...