The aesthetics are amazing, but you need to make the carrier much smoother. Also, there is one major flaw with both this map and air raid: on the...
This looks AMAZING. Did you hit the budget and/or object limit, because the only thing missing here is the ceilings. Even without those, though,...
I DL'ed immediately upon seeing the pictures, and it seems I was right to do so--this map is wonderful. You did one of the things that I love in...
Wow--I can't believe I'm saying this, but Sandbox just got more awesome! :)
Dude, when are you going to do the next map in your Manifest infection series? "Help's On the Way, Right?" is becoming insanely popular with my...
Great job! There aren't a lot of things you can do with Ghost Town, but you managed to find a way to turn it into a bad*blam* map! The...
I couldn't find any other place to put this, so if it's in the wrong place, just let me know. This thread is where you post ideas for forged...
Incredible! This is by far the best Blackout map I have ever seen! Not only that, where most aesthetic maps are just for looks and neglect...
Pretty neat map, and I enjoyed it, but (and I really hate saying this)... Needs more interlocking.
I always like switch maps or maps that have some sort of gimmick. This map has a lot of potential, and a good gimmick, but unfortunately the...
I once had a few friends play the original with me. They all were so freaked out by the map that they just left! You, sir, have seriously...
Thanks. I appreciate it.
Here it is:
Thanks. I'd appreciate it.
Awesome! This map is EXACTLY what I always like in forge maps--a clear objective, aesthetics that actually seem to resemble what they're supposed...
Very good. I love the way you did the tombstones, and the door was pretty cool, too. However, there are a couple of problems that need addressing....
Whenever someone on XBL is an asshole to me, I'm an asshole right back. And I'm usually much better at it.
This is great! It's like a reimagining of Terminal! Seriously, you are an amazing mapmaker. There are a couple of problems, though--there's not...
Let's run down the list, shall we? Aesthetics: Absolutely perfect! The Tower itself is simply gorgeous. Especially with the effects you put on...
When I think of the perfect map, I think of a map like this. The aesthetics are amazing (I especially like the way you did the waterfall), and the...