This is cool. If only you had like two of them in a fight scene
that's cool
I think its pretty cool. Mabie it ai'nt tidety but he has the concept down
this is a cool map, dude
I tried to make it look as originol as possible
thankyou i put alout of work in it
Cool Map Dude. Looks like you spent quite a bit of time and effort into your maps
A new map I just created! it is on the new Legendary Map pack on the map so-called avalanche. I wan't something everybody would enjoy so I decided...
I think it is about the same as the origional. You have the same problem i do. Only 100 saved files. WTF:squirrel_evil:
If you downloaded the new maps like me yesterday and went to forge first you find that how few idems they have for the BIGGEST map in the game.:eek: