hey did i get my sig option banned or something because it will not let me put a sig on
hey did i like get my sig option banned or something because it will not let me put a sig on
well i would have pictures but is suck ass at drawing but ill put a picture of a dog or something so that someone would have the time to read what...
[IMG] “Rogue AI”- Certain AI that refuse to follow protocols or regulation; defective. Should be terminated immediately (security risk). known...
i loved how you fuzed the mongooses with the box. nice idea
you stole my idea for an avatar. but i like the air's man
good map dude. you did a nice job and some of my friends were looking for a good training map. Thanks
good job furious
see if you can find the one missing medal this time. [IMG]
wow DRiscoll you acually got it. good job. it was that easy?
Just for Kicks and Giggles i made a little game that everyone will like. What is the missing Halo Medal? This picture has every medal you can get...
i have never seen that before. thats tight
seems like you got very creative on the first picture
dude for your first video that was pretty sick. i would hope to see more.
that was alsome video. i wish i could do that all the time.lol thats what im like on my good days
i never knew FH had offical videos. do yall update it often
Hey im MadMax and im looked over you maps and you and 99 other Forge Hub members have been selected because off you creatlivty and your good...